
Did You Know?

There are more than 390,000 small businesses in BC accounting for 98% of all businesses

In 2011 BC ranked first in Canada in terms of small businesses per capita with 84.2 small businesses per 1,000 people

Over 1 million people were employed by small business in BC, accounting for 56% of private sector employment

“Baby Boomers” make up more than 35% of Vancouver’s population

We Need Your Help
Biz600AM Vancouver's Business Station

Our Programming Will Serve the Greater Vancouver Area

Passive broadcasting is not enough. Today, the most impactful communication is two-way.

Biz600 will engage listeners with interactive components on-air and on-line, providing direct access to our professional experts for answers to their questions and their invaluable insights into business strategies, government policies and tax initiatives. Our hosts will be fiercely independent, unencumbered by conflicting links to institutional or corporate interests.

Biz600 will stand apart from other business media by the very nature of being on radio. Hundreds of thousands of people who work in Vancouver endure one of the the longest commute in North America each day. The region ranks in the top 10 in a global list of lengthy metropolitan commutes, just behind cities like New York, London and Toronto, spending an average of 67 minutes on the daily commute. And yet radio currently doesn’t provide the critical business information we need in order to arrive at their destination informed and prepared for the day.

Biz600 will also offer unique programs each day – from talk shows that focus on investing to small business shows that provide the advice and tools to support a huge part of the Vancouver’s economy. We’ll also offer 24/7 business and stock market coverage – providing exclusive access to information on Asian and global markets – when they’re open and actively trading.

Does Vancouver Need An All Business News Station? Yes!


When Vancouver gets down to business we create is the 20th most economically powerful city on the planet - ahead of Vienna, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, Stockholm and Dublin. So when Vancouverites get down to work, we need real information, in real time; not only to remain a serious and respected player on the highly competitive world stage but to guide us to financial security in our own personal lives...READ MORE

Business News That’s Not Just for Business People


Biz600 will go beyond the headlines to ensure that you, our listener, not only receive the news but understand the personal impact events have on your life, and your options. What will these events mean to your savings, investments, employment opportunities, your pension? READ MORE

More Than Just Numbers


It is surprising that across the news and talk stations in Vancouver, on a given weekday less than 4% of the total day is dedicated to business news. In addition, with the limited time the stations spend on business, listeners are receiving just “the numbers” with very little analysis or explanation of the impact on the people of Vancouver. READ MORE